Goodbye Windows 11, Hello Ubuntu 22.04

I finally gave up on Windows 11, and installed Ubuntu. I opted to go with Ubuntu because it’s based on debian and supports UEFI secure booting, and 22.04 because it has long term support (LTS).

Windows time had come because it was refusing to mount the remote file system on my WDMyCloud network attached storage. My old Linux Mint workstation, with its failing spinning disk and flaky keyboard, was getting hard to use, and developing in git bash and Vagrant on Windows added a bit too much friction.

Once you download the Ubuntu .iso, you can install Rufus and use it to copy the ISO to a thumb drive. Then run the Windows System program, select Recovery and click Advanced Startup Options, and boot from USB device. The installation is straightforward, but you’ll need your wireless password.

Here’s some of the setup I’ve done on my Laptop since installing:

  • Create bookmarks in Firefox
  • Installed qbittorrent with: sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
  • Opened Activities, searched for Settings, and disabled tap to click on the touch pad.
  • Opened Terminal/Preferences and set them the way I like (light, 128×54, 9 point font, disable system colors.

For programming:

  • sudo apt-get install git
  • sudo apt-get install make
  • sudo apt-get install gcc

About jimbelton

I'm a software developer, and a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and I blog about movies, books, and philosophy. My interest in religious philosophy and the search for the truth inspires much of my writing.
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